Data Centre Assessments (DCA)
Objective of Data Centre Assessment (DCA)
- Establishes present grade of facility based on current best practice standards (Uptime TIERs).
- Establishes a current baseline reference for the data center (establishes current loads and capacities).
- Provides a rack-by-rack“electrical GRID Audit” to ensure consistent and effective connection of all power cords feeding all dual corded and single corded IT loads.
- Identifies any existing areas of vulnerability (i.e. reliability) and suggests effective means for improvement if/as required.
- Provides a comprehensive review and evaluation of your facilities electrical and mechanical support systems (i.e. the lifeblood of your IT operation)
- Provides an accurate inventory of data center support hardware (proper inventory, tech specifications etc.) of all critical components)
- Will allow you to effectively plan and budget for equipment life cycle replacement projects (i.e. UPS, batteries, air-conditioning units, replacement and upgrade strategies, etc.)
- Will provide an accurate prioritized list of maintenance and upgrade items (i.e. ‘To Do’ list)
- Provides a collection of accurate current status drawings for efficient site planning management, maintenance, and growth.
- Will provide you with a long-term site enhancement/growth strategies (i.e. future site changes)
The report is intended to take the form of a reference manual that would include all current status information pertaining to the equipment center’s physical elements (i.e. hardware layout, electrical distribution system, mechanical systems, fire suppression system, architectural layout, etc.). It is essentially both a ‘snap-shot’ of the data center at that particular point in time, and a comprehensive audit of the computer room environment and its critical support equipment (i.e. mechanical and electrical systems).
One of the components of the report would be a rack level “Electrical GRID Audit” to ensure consistent and effective connection of all IT loads in the proper 2N manner. (i.e. ensuring that all dual corded IT loads are properly connected to the sites respective power sources.) The “GRID Audit” would provide a “rack-by-rack” review of all power cords feeding all dual corded and single corded IT loads, and provide step-by-step remedial recommendations.
The DCA provides you with an immediate assessment of the existing state of your data centre based on current best practice standards, including recommendations, and serves as a valuable document that can be referred to on an ongoing basis. Some of the benefits of the DCA would include the following:
DCA Details

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Data Centre Assessment
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